Acne Vulgaris
Omnilux pioneered the combined use of 415nm (Omnilux blue™) and 633nm (Omnilux revive2™) as essential tools for the management of acne, delivering proven wavelengths, optimized intensities, and clinically validated output energy for superior clinical effectiveness. Omnilux treats mild to moderate and cystic acne through an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory process. Omnilux’s clinical evidence demonstrates up to an 81% clearance of inflammatory lesions 12- weeks post therapy.
Acne vulgaris is an extremely common and distressing skin condition affecting over 85% of adolescents by the age of 24 years and up to 50% of adults over 25 years. The underlying pathology in acne is a multifactorial process involving:
- Comedogenesis: blocked pilosebaceous follicles
- Bacterial colonization of P. Acnes in the blocked follicles
- Seborrhoea: increased sebum production
- Inflammatory process caused by P. Acnes bacteria
P. Acnes bacteria produce the light-sensitive substances coproporphyrin III and protoporphyrin. The Omnilux™ system is designed to irradiate these substances with wavelengths of light specifically optimized to stimulate the porphyrins and induce bacterial death, thus eradicating the inflammatory effects of acne.
Omnilux pioneered the combined use of 415nm (Omnilux blue™) and 633nm (Omnilux revive2™) as essential tools for the management of acne, delivering proven wavelengths, optimized intensities, and clinically validated output energy for superior clinical effectiveness. Omnilux is FDA-cleared for the treatment of mild to moderate and cystic acne through an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory process.
Clinical trials have demonstrated optimum acne clearance when Omnilux blue (415nm) light is combined with Omnilux revive2 (633nm) red light treatment. Omnilux revive2 light minimizes production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This anti-inflammatory effect reduces the erythema associated with acne lesions and by reducing the inflammatory response, minimizes the eventual possibility of acne scarring. Red light therapy with Omnilux revive2 has also been clinically proven to stimulate fibroblasts, therefore enhancing collagen production resulting in healthier, rejuvenated skin surrounding the acne affected area – adding to the beneficial effects of light therapy in acne.
Omnilux’s clinical evidence demonstrates up to an 81% clearance of inflammatory lesions 12- weeks post therapy. Patients report an improvement in inflammatory lesions as early as two weeks after the start of the treatment regimen.
Omnilux’s Clinical Evidence Demonstrates
up to an 81% Clearance of Inflammatory Lesions

- Sadick N; ‘Handheld LED array device in the treatment of acne vulgaris. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 2008; 7: 4, 347-350
- Lee SY et al; ‘Blue and Red Light Combination LED Phototherapy for Acne Vulgaris in Patients with Skin Phototype IV.’ Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 2007; 39 (2): 180-188
- Goldberg DG, Russell B; ‘Combination blue (415 nm) and red (633 nm) LED phototherapy in the treatment of mild to severe acne vulgaris.’ Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy. 2006; 8: 71–75.
- Tremblay JF, Sire DJ, Lowe NJ & Moy RL; ‘Light-emitting diode 415 nm in the treatment of Inflammatory acne’ – Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy. 2006; 8: 31-33
- Morton C et al; ‘An open study to determine the efficacy of blue light in the treatment of mild to moderate acne’ – Journal of Dermatological Treatment. 2005; 16: 219–223
Omnilux’s Clinical Evidence Demonstrates
up to an 81% Clearance of Inflammatory Lesions

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